1 glance at this beachcomber garden gnome with his tropical drink will have you declaring it's 5 o'clock somewhere donning resort wear and heading for a South Seas beach bar. Few garden gnome statues can add color to tropical paradise decor while extending a warm welcome like our chill lawn gnome with island lei, red gnome hat, sun shades and a tropical drink.

This outdoor garden gnome is as happy in your gnome garden as he is poolside at the tiki bar. Our gnome figurines are cast in quality designer resin and individually hand-painted 1-piece at a time as a great gift that will remind you and your guests to kick back and relax.

- Hand-cast
- Crafted with real crushed stone bonded with high quality designer resin
- Each piece is individually hand-finished by our artisans
- UV resistant
- 15cm high
- Perfect for your home or garden